2011 has been a great year for K-pop as it has begun to spread all over the world not only in Asian countries..People all over the world has started to embrace K-pop and the media - TV,Radio,magazines and newspaper , all of them has started to report and cover news about K-pop.. If you listen to the Radio these days, surely you will get to listen to K-pop songs such as from SUPER JUNIOR, SNSD, 2PM or BEAST.. Same goes to TV where we can see that there are also some programs about K-pop were being broadcasted..So, this is kinda interesting to me coz in just a year, K-pop has been able to spread and popular like this.. In everywhere I go now, be it in the LRT or Bus or in the Shopping Complex, people are either watching K-pop MV or listening to K-pop songs..
For this year, I decided to make things differently, I'm going to list down not only my usual list of my favorite K-pop artistes but I'm also going to make it into several categories..
So, as a start, let me list down the first list, which is the list for BEST ROOKIE:
K-pop Best Female Rookie 2011
CHOCOLAT debuted in August 2011 and consists of five members, three are mixed race Korean, (Juliane, Tia, Melanie), and the other two are Korean (Min Soa, Jae Yoon). Their debut single SYNDROME is really catchy and easy to be remembered and that's the reason why they've earned a spot in my list hehe.. Here's the MV for their debut single, SYNDROME:
5DOLLS is actually a sub-unit group of CO-ED SCHOOL and they comprises of 5 female members - Soomi,Chanmi,Hyoyoung,Hyewon & Eun-kyo. Chanmi was a former trainee under SM Entertainment and was supposed to be a part of original line up of Girls' Generation. They are under CORE CONTENTS MEDIA same like T-ARA,DAVICHI and SUPERNOVA. Among their singles are LIP STAINS, I MEAN YOU and LIKE OR THIS OR THAT.. I personally love I MEAN YOU & LIKE THIS OR THAT..Dunno why but they seems to be underrated coz to me, dorg ni best giler kot hehe Lagu dorg catchy and dorg pnya dance moves pun quite good actually..
DAL SHABET debuted in JANUARY this year and probably one of the most popular and succesful rookies this year..They quickly garnered the attention with their debut single called SUPA DUPA DIVA as the song was really catchy especially the chorus part " Supa-pa Dupa-pa Supa Dupa LaLa Diva-va Diva-va Supa-Boom" haha.. They are under HAPPY FACE ENTERTAINMENT which is actually a company of E-TRIBE, the man behind the sensational song by SNSD-GEE.. So no wonder lagu SUPA DUPA DIVA tu just as catchy as GEE.. Dorg ni consists of Viki (Leader), Serri, Ah Young, Jiyul, GaEun and Subin (Maknae). After success dgn debut single dorg, dorg release plak single seterusnya PINK ROCKET and few months after that BLING BLING.. Many industry experts as well as other k-pop artistes have named them as one of the rookies yg harus diperhatikan.. And recently, a poll conducted by one of the magazines in KOREA named them as the BEST NEW GIRL GROUP OF 2011..
RANIA debuted in April 2011 with their debut single DR FEEL GOOD.. The song was produced by TEDDY RILEY, the man behind 2NE1'S many hit singles like I Don't Care and the latest one, SNSD-The Boys.They comprises of Riko Joy Di T-ae Jooyi Xia and
Saem.Joy is Thai and also Riko was raised in Japan. All members speak fluent English, Korean, Thai, and Japanese. Before debuting, RaNia received three years worth of vocal training. I really really love DR FEEL GOOD sbb every time aku dgr jew lagu tu rasa sgt powerful and energetic and one of the members, JOOYI's voice is mind blowing sbb sgt best and power and sometimes mcm Christina Aguilera sikit2..After successful debut, TEDDY RILEY announced that he will no longer work with RANIA and after that dorg kluakan single mcm MASQUARADE and POP POP POP yg bole2 jela but not as good as DR FEEL GOOD..
And the winner is..... A-PINK hehe No doubt mmg dorgla THE BEST FEMALE ROOKIE of 2011.. Bkn aku jew yg rasa tp MNET ASIAN MUSIC AWARDS also named them as BEST NEW FEMALE ARTIST hehe A-PINK debuted in April 2011 with their first EP "Seven Springs of A Pink" and the Music Video for their debut single I DON'T KNOW also stars B2ST's Gi Kwang. A-pink is under CUBE ENTERTAINMNET like B2ST,G.NA, And 4MINUTE. They consist of Park Chorong (leader), Yoon Bomi, Jung Eunji, Son Naeun, Hong Yookyung, Kim Namjoo and Oh Hayoung.

Dorg ni ramai yg suka sbb dorg mcm bring back the memories of 90's and awal 2000-an pnya group mcm FIN K.L semua tu, With their innocent and girly concept, of course ramai org suka including me haha..Apart from I DON'T KNOW, other singles including IT GIRL,WISHLIST, LET US JUST LOVE and the latest and yg palimg aku suka MY MY..Best sgt lagu ni hehe..Since dor under CUBE ENTERTAINMNET so i supposed we could expect great things from them for the future..And among all the female rookies for this year, mmg obvious yg dorg plaing menyerlah and plaing bagus..
Compared to female, this year shows a dozens of male rookies in K-pop industry and each of them are very unique and good and I also had a problem to choose which one should I choose to be in my list. But, after considering all the things, here's the list of K-POP BEST MALE ROOKIE 2011:
10. N-Train
N-TRAIN is a boy band, signed under MediaLine Entertainment. The group consists of five members: Jung Jung Kyun, Jung Seung Hyun, Lee Jong Min, Song Yu Jin and Kim Sang Woo. They hope to break the idol group image of recording dance-type music, by directed their attention in recording R&B and soul-oriented music instead.And their 1st single is really good - ONE LAST CRY.. Even though the members might look like they are just like any other pretty face K-pop boy band or other dance group but actually each members have a really strong vocal and they really can sing.. They also had been nominated as one of the BEST NEW MALE ARTIST for the 2011 MNET ASIAN MUSIC AWARDS.
Well, this a kinda unique way of promoting or introducing a new group bcoz actually BANG YONG GUK/ BANG & ZELO is a sub unit of a new group that going to debut in 2012 called B.A.P.. They are under TS ENTERTAINMNET like SECRET..Prior to the B.A.P.'s debut, BANG YONG GUK was featured on labelmate SECRET's Song Jieun's song "Going Crazy". He then made his official solo debut on August 2011 with the single "I Remember", featuring Yo-seob of Beast and on December 2011, members ZELO and BANG YONG GUK debuted as a sub-unit of B.A.P., named BANG & ZELO with their single NEVER GIVE UP.. I actually can't wait for the debut of B.A.P coz judging from the singles after singles of BANG YONG GUK like GOING CRAZY, I REMEMBER and then with BANG &ZELO, NEVER GIVE UP I believe B.A.P surely will make an impact in 2012.. Personally I love BANG YONG GUK featuring in SONG JI EUN's GOING CRAZY.. dia mcm steal the lime light dlm lagu tu as he was so menonjol hehe
8. DOUBLE A ( AA )
DOUBLE A ( AA ) is a 5 member group consist of Woosang,Aoora,Kimchi,Juwon and Hoik and they are under WELLMADE STAR M..Their debut song, BECAUSE I'M CRAZY is realllly great.. Sgt addictive..The song actually is Aoora's own composed song..WOAHHHHH haha pretty great for a rookie..Aoora is said to have talent in composing music and songs and also posses great vocal and dance skills..While Woosang was previously a choreographer for SUPER JUNIOR .. No wonder dance moves dorg sgt best and powerful..Eventhough baru satu single but I belive they can go far..

MYNAME is actually better known as HWANHEE'S BOYS as they are created and trained by HWANHEE.. They comprises of 5 members- GUNWOO,INSOO,SEYONG,CHAENJI and JOONQ. They debuted with a single called MESSAGE.. This song is sooooo good..It can't get out of my head as it so catchy plus the dance moves are great.. I personally love GUNWOO's & INSOOO's voice... Nampak cam jambu tp suara dorg powerful n best..
HITT is actually an acronym for HERE IS THE TOP..The group debuted in July 2011 and they are under SONY MUSIC.. The group consists of six members: Hayong, Juntaek, Hyunjun, Howon, Wooram and Jaehoon..Their first single is GOOD NIGHT and the song easily catch people's heart as it was great and easy listening plus the vocals ability of them that is different compared to other k-pop male group..They have also been praised by other K-pop singers like 4MEN for their powerful and outstanding vocals.. Besides GOOD NIGHT, another single from them is I'LL ALWAYS LOVE YOU yg sgtttttttttttttttttttttt best hehe sweet giler lagu ni and vocal & hormanization dorg was superb in this song.. Personally sgt suka dgn vocal dorg smua..Especially HAYONG & HYUNJUN..
5. X-5
X-5 as the name says, is at number 5 on my list hehe They are under OPEN WORLD ENTERTAINMENT and consist of 5 members - GHUN.HAEWON,TAEFUNG,ZIN and SULHU.. GHUN shares the same birthday with me : ) huhu.. They are known as TALL DOLLS which means tall idols as their average height is 187 cm..WOAHHHHHH haha They debut with the album XENOS and their first single yg gilerrrrr pnya best is DON'T PUT ON AN ACT..This song is really good.. Powerful,easy to remember and kinda addictive too..Dance moves dorg pn sgt best..Many people said they resembles 2PM but I think they're different and has their own strengths.. And recently dorg release new single called DANGEROUS yg equally best as their first single..I love this group as they're not only depending in their good looks but also really good at singing and dancing..

BLOCK B is a seven member group under BRAND NEW STARDOM..The member consists of ZICO,JAEHYO,TAEIL,B-BOMB,U-KWON,P.O and KYUNG.. The name BLOCK B is actually a short term for blockbuster..They debuted on April 2011.. And their 1st single is FREEZE..Unfortunately, the single was banned by the Commission of Youth Protection because the organization felt that their lyrics expressed unwholesome dating methods.Ntah pape btol hehe So after that dorg release single seterusnya which is WANNA B..What's special about this group is that dorg a lil bit different compared to other groups sbb dorg pnya core is Hip Hop and Hip Hop dorg pn xla terlalu heavy sgt but still ada mixture of Pop and R&B sikit..Dlm group ni,member dorg semua boleh menyanyi and rap dgn bagus especially yg menonjol TAEIL and ZICO.. Vokal TAEIL tu sgt power and ada soul and ZICO plak probably is one of the greatest rapper among rookies for this year..Single dorg yg lain is TELL THEM..

HUH GAK is actually a winner of the 2nd season of SUPERSTAR K, a reality tv show equivalent to AMERICAN IDOL in Korea.. Since dia dlm show tu lagi dia mmg dh buktikan yg dia mmg ada vokal yg sgt power even though dia maybe xda rupa.. Debut single dia is HELLO yg tersangattttt la best..Plus MV dia yg sgt menarik and sedey jgk.. Pas success dgn HELLO, dia release plak sequel kpd lagu HELLO iaitu I TOLD YOU I WANNA DIE plus MV yg juga sequel kpd MV HELLO.. HUH GAK ni mmg bagus and he had also been named as BEST NEW MALE ARTSIT in 2011 MNET ASIAN MUSIC AWARDS.. Populariti dia jgk meningkat pas join KBS IMMORTAL SONG yg mana in this show, every week dia buktikan yg dia mmg versatil and boleh menari jgk ok even though agak comel badannya hehe..
BOYFRIEND debuted in May 2011..They are under STARSHIP ENTERTAINMENT like SISTAR and K-WILL..The members are DONGHYUN,JEONGMIN,HYUNSEONG,MINWOO and the twins, YOUNGMIN & KWANGMIN..Their 1st single is BOYFRIEND and the single is really cute n catchy and quickly garnered the attention of fans together with their cute dance moves..Mmg aku akui pada mulanya mcm xbrapa berkenan dgn dorg sbb mcm cute sgt utk seorg laki mcm aku nk minat dorg ni kan haha tapi pas dgr bnyk kali lagu ni mmg best and dorg pun talented coz every member can actually sing and dance well..I personally like JEONGMIN,DONGHYUN and HYUNSEONG's voice..Sgt powerful and sedap.. Follow-up single dorg is YOU & I yg a lil bit different with BOYFRIEND abd also best..Then in OCTOBER 2011, they release their 2nd single yg SGTTT best n cool, DON'T TOUCH MY GIRL.. This time dorg come back with a more masculine look n vibe yg bwatkan aku xsegan lagi nk minat dorg haha.. Dorg jgk bnyk dicalonkan sbgai BEST NEW ARTIS in various award show this year and in a poll conducted by SBS MTV BEST OF THE BEST, they had been chosen as THE BEST NEW ARTIST.. Recently dorg release the newest single yg bestttttttt sgt titled, I'LL BE THERE..Well, actually I had trouble to select between them and the group that i had choose to be in the no/1 spot coz both of them are really good and equally deserve to be at no 1 to me..Pening gak pikir mana satu kan sbb kalo bole mcm nk letak dua2 kat no 1 hehe..
And at no 1, they are......
1. B1A4

YES, they are the group that I choose as K-POP BEST MALE ROOKIE for 2011..After having trouble to decide between them and BOYFRIEND, I finally decided that the are the one who deserved this place. B1A4 consists of BARO,JINYOUNG,SANDEUL,CNU and GONGCHAN.They are under WM ENTERTAINMENT which is a newly formed company and also one of the reasons why I chose them as the best male rookie for this year since they're coming from a company that don't really have any reputation or name yet but managed to success..Their group name, B1A4, has been explained as being due to one member (Baro) having B blood type, and the other four (Jinyoung, Gongchan, CNU, Sandeul) having A blood type. It also stands for "Be The One, All For One".B1A4 have been dubbed "countryside-dols" by Korean media, because all the members originate from the Korean countryside, another wow factor coz dorg just bdk kg je semua tp really talented hehe
Their 1st single is OK yg sgt fun and catchy..1st time dgr aku dh suka lagu ni sbb tertarik dgn concept lagu dorg yg simple,fun tp poweful coz vokal SANDEUL sgt power..Tinggi sgt suara dia..Vokal JINYOUNG pn sgt best sbb sgt RnB..CNU pn ada vokal yg best and rap drpd BARO jgn ckpla, mmg best giler..Tak sangka suara dia besar haha Pas OK, dorg relase 2nd single yg SGTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Best, ONLY LEARNED BAD THINGS, aku suka sgt lagu ni and MV dia..mmg best sgt2..Pernah aku post psl lagu ni few months ago dkt blog ni jgk...Pastu in September 2011 dorg release new single called, BEAUTIFUL TARGET yg best n cute at the same time haha and recently dorg release next single MY LOVE yg jgk best gilerrr..Dorg ni mmg bersaing kuat dgn BOYFRIEND taun ni sbb boleh kata dorg debut lbk krg sama and sentiasa berlawan2 releasekan single.. Dorg jgk sama mcm BOYFRIEND nominated in various awards show and been named as HOT DEBUT STAR of SBS MTV BEST OF THE BEST.. Plus point utk dorg compared to BOYFRIEND is dorg dhpun promote in JAPAN and they have been receiving warm response from japanese fans...And recently, they have received ROOKIE OF THE YEAR AWARD by JAPAN TOWER RECORDS and also WAVE K SUPER ROOKIE FOR 2012..So mmg layakla dorg ni digelar K-POP BEST MALE ROOKIE OF 2011..
Ok for now..Later on I will update about other list also..
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